How to Beat Addictions Naturally

How to Beat Addictions Naturally

Addiction can affect anyone, regardless of age, educational level, or economic status. And addictions aren't confined to just drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and certain medications. Common addictions can include food, video games, gambling, shopping, food, sex, social media, a dysfunctional relationship -- even bird watching can be "addictive" if it becomes disruptive to your life. Many people believe that addictions and substance abuse is the result of a lack of willpower or a serious character flaw, and that overcoming addiction is as easy as learning to "say no." So, if you have an addiction problem, you might believe that the reason you can't overcome it is because you're "weak," which leads you to feel even more defeated. Maybe you've tried to quit your addiction several times, but keep failing and wonder “Is there something wrong with me?”

A Feel-Good Dopamine Surge

For many people, addiction is their only way to escape from sadness, depression, anxiety, and other upsetting feelings. Whatever the addiction is, most of them cause the the brain neurotransmitter, dopamine, to surge. Known as the "feel good" brain chemical, it's the main culprit behind addictions. Your brain remembers the dopamine surge and associates it with whatever the addictive substance or event is. However, with chronic use of the addictive substance, over time your brain becomes used to dopamine and less sensitive to it. You build tolerance and need increasing amounts of your addiction to achieve the same level of high as before. 

Why Do Some People Become Addicted While Others Don't? 

The term "addictive personality" gets kicked around a lot these days. But the question remains: why does one person become addicted after just one sip of alcohol or "hit" of a drug, while others could care less? While most people can enjoy a cocktail, purchase a lottery ticket, or take necessary medications without getting hooked, other people are wired to fall down the rabbit hole of addiction.  While there are many unknowns as to why certain people become addicted, research shows that certain personalities have a greater likelihood than others.

Most of us feel a certain amount of pleasure, rewards, and satisfaction as we go about our daily lives. But for some people, their emotional needs are not being met. So instead of feeling pleasure, they feel pain, sadness and depression, and life feels meaningless. So, they turn to different addictions to stimulate the reward mechanism or receive a chemical reward directly.  Addictions provide temporary feelings of pleasure, but it comes with a high price. 

Natural Ways to Beat Addiction


Meditation quiets and relaxes the mind and body, promotes mental clarity, and relieves stress-related symptoms. Research shows that meditation can help lessen the pull of addictions. People who regularly practiced Transcendental Meditation stopped or decreased using abusing drugs. A recent study showed that meditation-induced change of consciousness naturally led to increased dopamine in the brain. The University of Utah's College of Social Work recently launched a mindfulness meditation program, and 45% of participants were able to stop misusing opioids after nine months of follow up. The program promotes daily meditation, enjoying sunsets and other natural pleasures. These activities increase dopamine levels without the spikes caused harmful addictions.


Often referred to as "meditation in motion," yoga uses specific physical postures to connect the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga also uses certain breathing exercises to relax and focus attention inward. It can help to end addictive behavior by helping you develop more self-awareness, self-control, emotional regulation, and improved well-being.  

Healthy Eating 

One of the most important tools for overcoming addictions naturally is mindful eating. The practice of mindful eating means you make a deliberate effort to focus on the sensation of eating and how food makes your body feel. When you’re practicing being mindful about the foods you put into your body and make healthier choices, addictions will become less enticing. By gaining mental clarity and learning to find pleasure in each moment, substances will lose their appeal to you.   


Studies have shown that consuming probiotics has a beneficial effect on mood, behavior, brain functions, and reduces addiction-related disorders. A study showed that animals fed a diet rich in live microorganisms didn't experience addiction from alcohol. Published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, it's the first study to confirm the relationship between probiotics and changing addictive behaviors. At Purevee Organics, our high-quality probiotics contain 25 billion live cultures and 10 probiotic strains, which is more that can be found in any food.  Enjoy browsing our products by clicking here.

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